Sasangasana - Rabbit Pose
Sasangasana is an entry-level yoga pose whose name comes from the resemblance of the posture to the spine of a rabbit. Also called Hare Pose, Shasangasana, Shashankasana, or Rabbit Pose, Sasangasana’s Sanskrit names are Sasanga (meaning “rabbit”) and asana (meaning “posture”).
Have you been holding your baby for too long? This pose can help you stretch the right muscles. It’s also very important for those who spend long hours studying in a leaning posture. Sasangasana is the opposite of the Camel Pose.
Step by Step
Begin from the Virasana
Hold onto your heels with your hand's, thumbs outside
Tuck your chin into the chest and slowly curl down and put your forehead in toward your knees
Place your head’s top on your yoga mat. At this point, you should be breathing normally
Hold tightly onto your heels
Inhale and lift your hips upward towards the ceiling
Roll onto your head’s crown, suck your stomach in and pul on your heels.
Press your forehead slowly as close to your knees as possible. Again, you should be breathing normally
Stomach in, hips up, heels together and shoulders away from your ears
Inhale and come back up one vertebra at the time
- Place the hands beside the knees and apply pressure and enter the posture the same way as you were holding the heels.
Preparatory Poses
Before practicing Sasangasana, loosen up the spine with cat-cow and other favorite movements for warm-up. Warrior poses and Sun Salutations can also prepare your spine for the pose. Here are some preparatory poses you might want to try out:
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
Follow Up Poses
Lengthens the spine
Stretches the shoulders, back, and arms
Stimulates the endocrine and immune systems. Specifically, the pose’s throat lock benefits the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Increases body awareness
Calms the mind and relieves stress
Relieves neck, back, and shoulder tension
Activates your digestive system
Reduces stretches in the face muscles
Reduces stiffness of the lower back
Induces good sleep, therefore, is great for people with insomnia and just an awesome exercise for evenings after a long day of work
Increases flexibility
Helps in the regulation of blood circulation in the body
Strengthens the abdomen
Helps alleviate sinus and cold symptoms
Jalandhara Bandha