

Like its sister terms, Buddhi consists of the root ‘budh’ - meaning to know or to be awake. It refers to wisdom and intellect, and to use the power of one's conscious and unconscious mind to understand and analyze the world around us, to discriminate and decide the best courses of...
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Understanding Manipura Chakra

Get to know our third chakra the ManipuraI taught a Manipura Chakra class last Sunday. It's something I do twice a year, focusing on a different chakra per class.So whether you know something or nothing at all about chakras, I thought about sharing some aspects of the Manipura (Solar Plexus)...
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Camatkarasana - Wild Thing Pose

Pronunciation: cah-maht-kah-RAHS-anna meaning "the ecstatic unfolding of the enraptured heart" in Sanskrit. Wild thing is probably one of the most beautiful looking yoga postures out there, but don't be fooled, it takes strength as well as flexibility to perform it. Before we look at how to...
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Sasangasana - Rabbit Pose

Sasangasana is an entry-level yoga pose whose name comes from the resemblance of the posture to the spine of a rabbit. Also called Hare Pose, Shasangasana, Shashankasana, or Rabbit Pose, Sasangasana’s Sanskrit names are Sasanga (meaning “rabbit”) and asana (meaning “posture”). Have you...
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Supta Vajrasana - Fixed-Firm Pose

For some people, Supta Vajrasana might seem like torture. However, others consider it a breeze. Also called Fixed-Firm Pose, Supta Vajrasana is a reminder of the different bodies, capabilities, and injuries that various people have. While some can easily slide into the posture, others feel pain...
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