
How to master Bakasana - Crow pose

Bakasana or crow pose can be daunting at first - it involves some crafty arm balance skills and some guts. In Bakasana, the upper arms are bent, the knees are rested on the upper arms, and the body is lifted from the ground. A friendly reminder before we get started: always ease into a new...
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Yoga Asanas

Balasana - Child’s pose

Balasana, or Child’s pose, is a basic yoga pose that you can use to rest in between a set of poses and gather your strength. In Balasana, you sit down on your knees with your upper body in a forward fold allowing your forehead to rest on the mat in front of you. It is a great pose to relax...
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Yoga Asanas

Ananda balasana - Happy baby pose

Ananda balasana, or Happy baby pose, is a basic yoga pose, carried out while you are laying down on your yoga mat. By gently pulling your legs towards you at the same time as you kick your feet into your hands you create a stretch in your inner groin and back spine. At the same time, you are...
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Yoga Asanas

Janu Sirsasana - Head to knee pose

Janu Sirsasana or head-to-knee forward bend, it's a seated forward fold. The pose intends to extend and lengthen the spine and stretch the back by folding the body over one of the legs with the head resting on the knee. The other leg is bent so that the sole of the feet rests towards the inner...
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Yoga Asanas

Warrior ll simplified

Warrior II is one of the most frequently recurring postures in a vinyasa class, but it can be tricky to get just right. Let's break it down into three easy steps that will allow you to get the most out of this posture.We start with step one, the base: your feet. You can either align your heels...
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Yoga Asanas