Open up with Lizette Pompa

When was the last time you dedicated 10 to 20 minutes to open up a specific area? Give your body time to really explore where you can get while focusing on just one area at a time.
Open up with Lizette Pompa

Collection with 5 classses

Yogi is practising yoga on a blue yoga mat on white background

Open Your Hamstrings

Twenty minutes to bring all your awareness to your hamstrings. Take your time and stretch the back of your legs in different ways to slowly reach splits. 
Yogi is practising yoga on a blue yoga mat on white background

Open the Hips

A twenty minute flow to work all around your hips. Have two blocks close to you to support your body and modify your practice if needed.

Open with Twists

We focus on twisting the body allowing to release anything we don't need. Perfect online yoga practice to do after backbends.
screenshot from online yoga class with yoga teacher at Yogateket yoga studio in Uppsala Sweden

Open Your Back

Nothing as revitalizing as backbends! We will use two blocks for this practice that will help us open our chest during the whole class. Together we will find different variations that will make you feel comfortable when the stretch feels too intense. 

We will start laying on our back to find our breath and stillness with our eyes closed as we go deeper into our backbends. Then we will go into our bridge, moving to a wheel if you want to challenge yourself!

Open your shoulders

We focus on different ways to open up the shoulders. Feel free to stay longer in each pose if needed.