Level 1
3 Programs

Yoga for Beginners
Yoga for Beginners is accessible for everyone. This program is designed for those who want to start doing yoga and need a bit of guidance before trying their first class.
During the next four weeks, we will look at some of the foundational postures of a vinyasa class such as the downward facing dog, plank, chaturanga, etc. Move through twenty-minute classes where we will stop a little bit here and there for you to understand how to do a posture and still get the time to practice it.
Move at your own pace, take your time and take four weeks to begin your yoga journey.

Two Week Meditation Program
Guided meditation suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike. Begin a meditation practice or deepen an existing one.
Meditation or mindfulness practice can help you improve pretty much every aspect of your life. By connecting to the present we bring great benefit to our mind and body.
We begin right now, and right where you are.

An Introduction To Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Patanjali was an ancient yoga teacher who lived in India around 2500 years ago.
This program is designed to give a taster and overview of some of the essential teachings contained in the four books (or chapters) of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali; the seminal text on the philosophy and practice of Yoga.
A sutra is a short phrase or teaching. Patanjali did not write the sutras down, they were chanted repeatedly so the students could memorize them.
This program is taught in a traditional approach by chanting the sutras in call and response before an interpretation and translation of the sutra is offered.