Progressive Backbends

In this program we will focus on progressive backbends when we think of backbends we should think of 2 of 2 components, back body strength and front body opening lack of either might often create discomfort in the lower back. This program focuses on progressively building back body strength and opening up front body to find ease in your backbends.

Be patient and find your way up progressively.

Enjoy your practice!

Progressive Backbends

Week 1

Locust pose yoga

Back Strength

In this practice, we will focus on building strength in the back body and learn how to align our pelvis in backbends. Focus on technique and move with lots of presence, make sure to have warmed up with the rise and shine class or few rounds of sun salutations.


Back Strength 2

In this practice, we will focus on building strength in the back body, take it a level up. Focus on technique and move with lots of presence, make sure to have warmed up with the rise and shine class or few rounds of sun salutations.

Week 2


Supine Back Strength Class

In this practice we will focus on building strength lying on the back, progressively preparing for chakrasana/ wheel pose. First working lower body and the upper body and finally aligning both for an even opening throughout the front body. Enjoy your practice!


Dynamic Backbends

In this practice, we will focus on moving more actively into the backbends using active flexibility and engaging more muscle groups to be fully supported in backbends. It’s the kind of strength that will allow you to do transitions involving backbends with a lot of ease, enjoy your practice!

Week 3

Easy pose yoga arms in urdhva hastasana

Shoulder Mobility for Backbends

In this practice, we focus more on actively bringing the shoulders into action for bringing more opening through the chest, armpits, and front of the neck! This particular use of shoulders is very essential for backbends and to counter all the pushing action we do otherwise in yoga. Enjoy your practice!

Full wheel pose yoga

Dropping Back

In this practice, we will focus on gradually dropping back into wheel pose. Using the wall as a prop to build strength and mobility, being able to do wheel pose comfortably is a prerequisite for this class. Enjoy your practice!