Ashtanga Fundamentals

Welcome to Ashtanga fundamentals a four-week course in Ashtanga vinyasa for beginners.

The goal of the program is to get to a level where we have developed a self-practice so we can use it as a base to an everyday easy yoga practice at home. 

Understand the basics of the Ashtanga yoga method. Get the tools and inspiration to practice yoga more regularly.

Good luck! 
Ashtanga Fundamentals

Week 1

ashtanga yoga Sofia Soori Yogateket Uppsala

Welcome To this Course!

A short talk about the program from Sofia, She talks about what Ashtanga yoga means to her and gives you tips and suggestions on how to approach the program and your practice.

There will be 1 theory lesson and 2 practice classes each week. Preferably you do the practice classes twice each week so that you stand on your physical yoga mat 4 times a week! 
Half lotus Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga

In this class, you learn what Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is, the tools we use to find meditation in the asana practice and the benefits of the practice itself. You will also learn some of the background and history of Ashtanga yoga, and the philosophical part of yoga, about the eight limbs path.
Upward facing dog ashtanga yoga

Ujjayi meets Sun Salutation A

What is Ujjayi and why do we breathe with sound during our physical practice of yoga?
In this first practice video, we step back to the basics, to learn the first part of the Ashtanga yoga sequence which is the Sun Salutation.
Warrior one

Sun Salutation B

In this class we focus on Sun Salutation B which consists of 17 movements also called vinyasas (movement synchronized with breath). After that, we look at the first standing postures of the Ashtanga sequence.

Week 2

ashtanga yoga Sofia Soori Yogateket Uppsala

A Healthy Relationship with the World.

The yoga guidelines for a healthy relationship with the world. Eight-limbed path.  In this yoga philosophy class, we look at the first step in the eight-limbed path, called Yama. We go into detail to see the 5 practices of Yama: Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, and Aparigraha.

These observances help us to “right way of living” so that we can feel good walking on this earth and feel that wholeness, of the union, of yoga.

Namaste Sofia Soori

Opening and Closing Mantra

We look at the meaning and pronunciation of the opening mantra and the closing mantra in Ashtanga yoga. We sing it together and with call and response.

The opening chant teaches us about gratefulness, and the closing chant is a mantra about peace (Shanti). 
ashtanga yoga Sofia Soori Yogateket Uppsala

The Finishing Sequence

We go through what we have done so far and add on the finishing sequence. The finishing sequence in Ashtanga yoga starts with some basic back bending and inversions, all to prepare for the rest, Savasana, which is the last asana of the Ashtanga sequence.

The finishing sequence rounds off each and every Ashtanga Vinyasa practice. 16 Asanas are practiced systematically and give a harmonious flow of energy.

Padanghustasana ashtanga yoga

Complete All the Standing Postures

In this class, we are now focusing on creating more flow in the transitions in between postures and go a bit further in the standing sequence reaching the balancing postures. Like always we warm up the body with a few Sun Salutations.

Week 3

Sofia Soori Ashtanga yoga

Build Self-discipline and Inner Strength

This theory lesson Sofia takes you through the second limb in the Ashtanga tree, which is called Niyama. Niyama teaches us 5 internal practices which help us with self-discipline to progress along the path of yoga. 
Yoga ashtanga at yogateket

Let's Start with Some Seated Postures!

More than half-way into the course! We have now set a good base to stand on and are ready to go into the seated postures, which comes after we have completed the standing sequence. 

Sofia gives you the modifications you need, but since forward folds are not the easiest to do for everyone you can always use your imagination if the posture doesn’t feel right for you. Sit on a pillow or roll in a mat under your knees, etc. Use the tools you need to modify the practice to your body.
Ashtanga yoga extended

Standing and Seated Postures

Now we are ready to move forward, and that means we have gone through the postures of the standing and the first part of the seated poses. Now let’s put them together and find a flow to find the paste of the practice.

Week 4

Sofia ashtanga

Can We Reach Total Bliss?

So, have you thought about the goal of yoga? We’ve talked about the 2 first steps in the eight-limbed path of yoga. Now let’s go through the rest. 

In this class Sofia talked you from the physical body to deeper levels of concentration and meditation, to reach the goal of yoga: SAMADHI. Samadhi is defined as the Ultimate Bliss or enlightenment. 
ashtanga-yoga inpence east stretch

The Last Part Of the Seated Postures

Good job! You have reached the last week of this program. In this practice lesson, we will take a look at the last part of the seated postures up to the one called Upavista Konasana. 

These postures are more advanced. Don’t push yourself into poses your body is not ready to do. Remember to be non-violent towards yourself. 
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga seated forward fold with bind

Key Postures in Primary Series

In this last class, we go through the Primary Series, focusing on the key postures of the sequence all the way till the end!

Get ready to move with your breath and take with you everything that you have learned so far into this class.

ashtanga yoga Sofia Soori Yogateket

My Best Advice to You Dear Yogi

You have reached the end of this course, great job!

In this clip, you’ll find Sofia’s best advice on how to keep the practice going regularly and keep learning.

Practice practice practice!