Ladder flows are different than a regular Vinyasa class because of their sequencing. We'll begin with two or three postures and then we'll keep on adding one or two new movements per round. Each round is linked by a Vinyasa or sun salutation. We'll do 5 rounds in total, by the 5th one, we'll have memorized a complete flow feeling much more comfortable in every posture and trying to do it better every time, challenging the mind and the body. Ladder Fit Flow is a great full-body workout where we balance strength and flexibility and we get a moving meditation.

Week 1

Yoga Roll
Build strength on the upper body with this Ladder Flow. We'll energize the arms and the back with postures like downward facing dog, plank pose, and chaturanga. Arms are very important to our practice, and sometimes it's hard to get them stronger, but with this sequence, you'll definetely feel them by the end of the class. Ladder flows are different than a regular vinyasa class because of their sequencing. We'll begin with two or three postures and then we'll keep on adding one or two new movements per round. Downward facing dog is a crucial posture for every practice and specially for our ladder flows because they're a significant link between rounds and also it engages the all muscles of our body (you'll seel we'll practice it a lot!!). Join me on the mat!!
Twisted Twist
Challenge the body and the mind with this ladder flow where we'll open the hips, but we'll also build strength in our arms, legs, and core. Hips stock all our emotions and sometimes we forget to give them the right stretch to release tension from them. They're also very important to achieve postures as "Hanumanasana", where we need to have our hips open and relaxed. As in all of our Ladder Flows, we'll do 5 rounds in total, adding one or two new movements per round. I promise that by the end of the fifth round of this Ladder Flow you'll feel your hips much more open as well as the entire body energized and much more stronger.Week 2

Dive to Starfish Pose
Build strength in the entire body with this 50min Ladder Flow. In every round, we'll add one or two new movements that will allow our minds and bodies to get deep into the posture. We'll go from simple postures that will open our hips to fly into vasistasana trying to get our starfish pose with a leg up and finally finding strength in the ankle and leg while seeking for balance in our Half Moon pose. All of this linked by our vinyasas or sun salutations between each round to build heat and get our moving meditation. Have fun and sweaty and join me on the mat!
Impossible Possible Warrior
Get a full body workout with this Ladder Flow while you move through a beautiful sequenced flow. We start with utkatasana or chair pose which is a great way to start working the muscles of our arms and legs and it also stimulates the diaphragm and heart. We'll finish with a strong and beautiful Warrior III (one of my favorites!) where you'll strengthen the ankles and legs, as well as the shoulders and the back, and of course the core! It's a very complete posture and a perfect ending to our Ladder Flow. I see you on the mat!!Week 3

Twisted Plank
Get a full body workout while you move through this Ladder Flow. We'll begin with two or three postures and then we'll keep on adding one or two new movements per round. Each round is linked by a Vinyasa or sun salutation. We'll do 5 rounds in total, by the 5th one, we'll have memorized a complete flow feeling much more comfortable in every posture and trying to do it better every time. In this class, we'll "Flip our Dog" or "Wild Thing posture" which is one of my favorite backbends, not only because it looks really elegant and beautiful but because it's a great posture to improve spinal mobility and strengthen the arms.
Crunching the Core
Join this 60 min Ladder Flow for the core! As Swami Kriyananda has often said, “that’s where the real spiritual work takes place.” As for the physical core, it’s important to remember that when we talk about core, we’re not just talking about your abs but your back muscles as well. The stronger it is, the less energy and effort you’ll need to put into simple movements, and the more energy you’ll have for your yoga practice. So get your core stronger and join me on the mat!Week 4

Fly As a Bird of Paradise
Join this 45 min Ladder Flow and improve your balance in Bird of Paradise and Dancer's Pose! The Bird of Paradise is an advanced and challenging yoga pose. It improves balance and stability; your body will become strong and toned. Your hips, hamstrings, and groin will be stretched, which in turn will increase overall flexibility. Legs and calves will become stronger and internal organs will get a great massage, due to the twisting and stretching involved in this particular pose. Let's fly together and join me on the mat!