Yoga Nidra
Yogic sleep to for complete relaxation
Yoga Nidra is an old discipline based in the tantric Nyasa, a meditation technique in which the focus moves around the body from one body part to another to create consciousness in and of each body part. The practice as performed today was developed in the 1960s by Satyananda Saraswati. It is a powerful practice that leads to complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.
Yoga Nidra is comparable to meditation but is more accurately described as a type of conscious sleep. It is also known as yogic sleep. “Nidra” is the Sanskrit word for rest, and the goal of this practice is for the body to sleep while the mind stays conscious. The common denominator of Nyasa and Yoga Nidra is that your focus shifts around the body to create a circle of energy.
Yoga Nidra is performed lying down on your back (sometimes in savasana). The only thing you need to do is close your eyes and follow the yoga instructor’s voice as it guides your consciousness around the body. You will become aware of the surroundings, your body parts, and your breath at the same time as you enter the yogic sleep.
If your mind drifts from the practice, bring it back gently to the instructor’s voice and your breath. 20-30 minutes of Online Yoga Nidra is comparable to 2-4 hours of sleep, but should not be practiced instead of a good night’s sleep. Rather, it can be a way to revitalize when you have not been able to get the rest you need. It is also a great way to get rid of tension and stress. As such, it can be an excellent way to finish off your day before going to bed, so that you clear your mind of all the day’s impressions and just sleep once you’re tucked in.