Clare Nicholls

Clare's interest in yoga was ignited as a child when she was introduced to the Mahabharata, she fell in love with the stories and the philosophies woven throughout. Since 2001 Clare has practiced asana and views the physical process as a way of undoing the habits we hold in our bodies and releasing the past to create space for the future.

She began teaching in 2005 and by 2007 was running a small yoga space in the English Countryside. She began to specialize in teaching yoga for pregnancy and soon became motivated to train as a midwife. In 2010 Clare qualified with a BSc in Midwifery. She moved to London where she continued teaching yoga and practicing as a midwife.

It was by the grace of the universe in 2010 she discovered the Jivamukti method and it felt like coming home. 

From 2013 Clare has taught Jivamukti throughout London and across the UK.

In 2014 and 2015 Clare traveled around India, experiencing many sites of pilgrimage and integrating an understanding of the philosophies into her life, practice, and teaching. In 2016-2017 she spent 10 months in Mysore chanting the yoga sutras under the guidance of the wonderful Dr. M.A Jayashree and appreciating the detail of their philosophical themes through studying with Professor Narasimhan.

Clare holds the advanced certification in the Jivamukti method, with the blessings of her teachers she hopes to share her love of the darsana of yoga in all its elements.
Hari Om.

Clare Nicholls

1 Program

2 weeks
Screenshot from an online yoga class at Yogateket Uppsala

An Introduction To Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Patanjali was an ancient yoga teacher who lived in India around 2500 years ago.

This program is designed to give a taster and overview of some of the essential teachings contained in the four books (or chapters) of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali; the seminal text on the philosophy and practice of Yoga.

A sutra is a short phrase or teaching. Patanjali did not write the sutras down, they were chanted repeatedly so the students could memorize them.

This program is taught in a traditional approach by chanting the sutras in call and response before an interpretation and translation of the sutra is offered.

6 Classes

15 min

Approaching Headstand

This is a short tutorial which looks in some detail at Salamba Sirsasana, the supported headstand. It includes simple preparations for the shoulders, to improve shoulder strength and mobility, both of which are essential in a stable headstand practice.

Following these, there is a by a step by step approach to headstand as taught in the Jivamukti method.

10 min
Yoga teacher performing yoga posture on green yoga mat on white background

Approaching Sun Salutation Jivamukti A

This Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) sequence is particular to the Jivamukti method. It is often taught in a Jivamukti open class.

This practice provides a step by step guide to the Jivamukti sun salutation A. With a description of the sequence asana by asana and an opportunity to learn the sequence practicing with only the vinyasa instruction.

20 min
Yoga teacher performing yoga posture on green yoga mat on white background

Approaching Paschimottanasana

A practice designed to focus on the movement of the pelvis in forward bending. Many times we forget that forward bending is not only about flexible hamstrings but also about mobility in the pelvis. This practice is suitable for anyone working towards Paschimottanasana, the full seated forward bend stretching the ‘west’ side of the body. It may be of particular interest to those of us whose hamstrings are tight.

25 min

Approaching Backbending

A complete practice designed to bring awareness to strengthening the muscles of the back body and encouraging mobility through the spine.

This practice is particularly suitable for people with lower back discomfort who may need to develop awareness and or stability of the lumbar spine. It is a fluid practice with a relaxed vinyasa count, it can be practiced at any time of day, even first thing in the morning.

20 min
screenshot from online yoga class at Yogateket yoga studio in Uppsala sweden

Approaching Hip Opening

An easy flowing practice to find space in the hips and improve suppleness through the gluteus muscles. This practice is great for anyone who spends a lot of time sitting in an office chair or driving. It is particularly beneficial at the end of the day and would be an excellent practice to do before sitting to meditate.

15 min
Screenshot from a Online yoga class at Yogateket yoga studio from Uppsala Sweden

Six Movements of The Spine

A short easy practice designed to limber the back. Here we take the spine through its six main movements: Flexion, Extension, Rotation right and left, Lateral flexion right and left.

We begin sitting, move to all fours and end standing, enjoying the different ranges of movement offered in each position.

This is an excellent practice for first thing in the morning.