Daniel Scott

Daniel Scott is a yogi provocateur who started doing yoga to impress a girl but got hooked by the practice itself. Now a globally renowned Ashtanga-Vinyasa teacher and Certified Level 2 AcroYoga instructor, Daniel teaches his students to move into the asanas instead of through them. Even though he has been a yogi for years, he still feels like he is just warming up!

Daniel's classes are a lively mix of balance and improvisation, strength and flexibility, breath and body, but always with “foundation before decoration”. He encourages his students to go with the flow with the motto “Live forever or die trying!”. Daniel also practices barefoot running, calisthenics, and (to improve the AcroYoga) acrobatic strength training. He enjoys large quantities and great qualities, making his classes likely to give you inspiration – and sore muscles!

Daniel says, of course, you can learn yoga online

Daniel Scott

28 Classes

45 min
Daniel scott yoga

Go With the Flow: Cosmic Egg

Don't check out during yoga, check in with your body's full movement potential! This session is built around moving into, arriving, and flowing our from Cosmic Egg. Harder than you think!

20 min

Yoga 15: Post-Workout Maintenence

Do you run, cycle, or do anything else besides yoga? Take 15 minutes after every workout to maintain that flexibility you work so hard to create.

20 min
Yogi is practising yoga on a blue yoga mat on white background

20 Minute Plank

In the next 20 minutes, You are going to become intimately connected with your core. Thank you static holds!

30 min
Screenshot from a Online yoga class at Yogateket yoga studio from Uppsala Sweden

Go With the Flow 30: No Warriors, No Dogs

For the next 30 minutes, we're going to do yoga. Would you believe we won't do one warrior pose or even a single downward facing dog? Join in on the fun!

15 min
Yogi is practising yoga on a blue yoga mat on white background

15 Minute Core

Take 15 to build some core strength and awareness, yogi! 

20 min
Yogi is practising yoga on a blue yoga mat on white background

20 Minute Pigeon

Take 20 minutes for yourself and do some nice hip-openers, yogi!

45 min
Daniel scott yoga

Happy Hour: Child’s Pose

This 45-minute “Happy Hour” focused on moving into and out of Child’s Pose with slow grace, controlled strength, and enjoyably slow precision. Happy hour of online yoga the best happy hour you can get.

30 min
Daniel scott yoga

Halftime: Happy Baby Flow

Arguably the most relaxing-sounding yoga pose, Happy Baby is a great platform for hip-opening and core awareness. Take 30 minutes to experience the majestic beauty of the Happy Baby Flow.

30 min
screenshot from online yoga class with yoga teacher Daniel Scott at Yogateket yoga studio in Uppsala Sweden

Halftime: Standing

This 30-minute class is built around standing poses, so expect a good amount of leg and core work mixed with smooth transitions and single-leg balances. Do yoga online in a fun way with Daniel.

20 min
screenshot from online yoga class with yoga teacher Daniel Scott at Yogateket yoga studio in Uppsala Sweden

Yoga 20: Shoulders

Time to open your shoulders, neck, and upper body with 15 minutes of mindful yogic movement.
20 min
screenshot from online yoga class with yoga teacher Daniel Scott at Yogateket yoga studio in Uppsala Sweden

Yoga 20: Stand Tall

For the next 20 minutes, you're going to work on standing postures and balance poses. Your legs, feet, and hips will thank you!
30 min
screenshot from online yoga class with Daniel Scott at Yogateket yoga studio in Uppsala Sweden

Halftime: Winding Down

After a long day, who wants to spend an hour sweating and breathing hard? This 30-minute flow will help you wind down and relax.