Guy Powiecki

Guy discovered pranayama through Paul Dallaghan and is now a dedicated and senior student of, classical pranayama master, Sri O.P. Tiwari having been authorized to teach pranayama by him. Guy has studied Ashtanga Vinyasa, Iyengar and Traditional Hatha. In learning meditation, he spent time with a number of Buddhist teachers, from both Tibetan and Theravadan traditions, but more recently with a focus on Vipassana. Guy’s knowledge of the breath has been broadened by his interest in free diving. 

Guy first encountered spirituality studying for a Theology degree specializing in Indian religions and Buddhism. Before working with yoga he was a personal trainer and nutritional adviser. In his learning journey, Guy lived on and off for many years in India and South East Asia. Spending time in monasteries and institutions. As a practitioner, he sees the importance of practicing asana, pranayama, and meditation as mutually supporting forms for spiritual growth.  His classes do just this, and the aim is to use the body as a tool for psychological, energetic and spiritual development.  He hopes the classes will truly benefit those who take them.

Guy shares a website with his wife Sara Granström.

Guy Powiecki

4 Programs

8 weeks

Pranayama Program Level 1

Pranayama is a profound practice. It has a whole host of health benefits and is probably one of the most effective tools there is for holistic health. It works primarily on the nervous system, and through that, it has an influence on pretty much every other system in the body. It can improve your digestion, give you a slower and more even heartbeat, bring greater mental calm, give you more energy, help you deal with the effects of stress, improve your cardiovascular fitness, improve the health of all your organs and much more.

Pranayama needs regular practice and commitment to start being internalized and genuinely felt. This eight-week program is the perfect place to begin your relationship with pranayama. Helping you develop a regular practice and introducing different techniques at the appropriate times. There is a new class for each week. Ideally, you would do this class every day of the week, but indeed as many days as you can. There is also an introductory video for the start of each week, where we will go over new techniques and themes.

3 weeks
Updog in nature Uppsala Pranayama breathing

Yoga Therapy

Accessible for everyone.  Designed to alleviate suffering from postural problems, neck and back pain, or life on the computer.  The course can also be a good place for beginners to start or for anyone wishing to dive into the foundation of their practice.

We use a lot of simple spinal twists and bends.  The aim is to work on spinal mobility and to start to correct postural imbalances, allowing free movement and spinal health.

Core strengthening exercises are introduced.  Often posture problems manifest due to a weakness in the core.  Your core will be strengthened in the appropriate places.

2 weeks
Meditation program from Yogateket

Two Week Meditation Program

Guided meditation suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike.  Begin a meditation practice or deepen an existing one.

Meditation or mindfulness practice can help you improve pretty much every aspect of your life.  By connecting to the present we bring great benefit to our mind and body.

We begin right now, and right where you are.  

1 week

Weekly Pranayama Program

Are you interested in learning pranayama? Looking to deepen an existing practice?  Wanting to get more regular with your practice?  Heard of all the great effects of working with your breath?

All of these and more are great reasons to try this program.  You can do any day of the week as an individual class, or you can cycle through the whole week.  Each class is designed to support the day it is on.

Discover all the benefits, both mental and physical of working with your breath and finding time to relax.

2 Challenges

3 weeks
Yogi Guy Powiecki in easy pose

21 Day Meditation

This 21-day meditation is the perfect yoga challenge to give yourself. Accessible and no experience needed. We start right at the beginning and gradually develop it. Ever thought about meditating, now is the time. Be kind to yourself, meditate for ten minutes a day.

Meditation can help you to concentrate, be present, calm your mind, sleep better, feel better, basically improve every function of how your brain operates. If the brain and the nervous system are happier, this is also great news for the body!

10 min guided meditation per day to form a healthier lifestyle!

3 weeks
start free trial for beginner pranayama yoga practice or start a yoga challenge on your trial, vinyasa yin , core and more

21-Day Pranayama Breathing Challenge

Our first and our last actions in this world will be a breath. Breathing is one of our most vital processes and a constant companion affecting every aspect of our mental and physical functioning. Yet very few of us are aware of how we breathe, let alone actually try and train our breath.

Now is the time to start. This challenge works with simple movements and breathing exercises to create a more easy, efficient breath. Each day we build it up, letting go of unhealthy breathing patterns and developing good ones.

The breath is intimately linked with every aspect of our physical and psychological well being. Discover one of the most powerful ways you can work with yourself.

Start your 21-Day Pranayama Breathing Yoga Challenge today!

45 Classes

60 min
cobra pose hatha yoga

Asana Based Hatha Class

This class is designed to both strengthen and increase suppleness.  The traditional Hatha approach is slower and we take a resting pose between the more demanding poses.

The slowness and time to digest the poses create a more meditative environment and we try to do some of the poses with our eyes closed.

15 min
Pranayama practice at Yogateket

Yoga for the Face

There are 43 muscles in the face, it’s a lot.  In this short class, you will release tension from the face and the neck.  This brings psychological benefit and also helps to keep the face vibrant and young.

The face, jaw, and neck are parts of the body that hold a lot of tension and learning to release and relax them can have great benefits. The techniques of Simha Mudra, Jiva Bandha, and Brahma Mudra are introduced.

We work all the other muscles of the body in yoga, why not the face?

30 min
Pranayama practice at Yogateket

Pranayama for Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Pranayama breathing works at bringing the bodies internal energies into balance. In a simple way, we could understand this by saying it brings the nervous system into balance.

Some pranayamas are more soothing and calming.  In this class, we use the ones that are mostly designed to help soothe an overexerted nervous system - Chandra Bhedana, Sitali (Sitkari), and Ujjayi pranayamas.

Take some time with this ancient art to help yourself back to a positive balance.

15 min
Yogi is practising yoga on a burgundy coloured yoga mat on white background

To the Point Pranayama Practice

A simple 15-minute pranayama class, accessible for anyone. We begin by developing the connection to the exhale. The most grounding calming part of the breath.

Once connected the traditional pranayama begins with Sitali, calming and soothing.

Calm and connect to your deeper self.

30 min
a photo shoot from a online yoga class at yogateket Uppsala

Deep Relaxation Practice

The purpose of this class is real, deep relaxation. Nourishing your nervous system and replenishing your energy.

We use a mixture of simple meditation and hatha yoga techniques, including some kriyas (which are defined as cleansing exercises - cleansing to the nervous system).

By working with our bodies with intelligence and understanding of the nervous system we can all bring ourselves to deep relaxation.

20 min
screenshot from online pranayama yoga class at Yogateket yoga studio in Uppsala sweden

Back to Balance - With Pranayama

A mixture of breathing techniques to balance your nervous system, your brain and your energy. Accessible to all.

We start with some grounding breath exercises lying on your back. Then we introduce Nadi Shodana or the Alternate Nostril Breath. This is one of the most fundamental and balancing pranayama techniques.

The class ends with Brahmari (the bee) pranayama, soothing and calming.

10 min

Pick Me Up Kapalabhati

Invigorate your system and switch on your energy.

A short energizing pranayama class that starts with Simha mudra (Lion pose) continuing with Jivha bandha before finishing off this short class with Kapalabathi. Perfect to do first thing in the morning. 

Contraindication: Do not do this class while pregnant or during your menstrual cycle.

45 min
screenshot from online yoga class  at Yogateket yoga studio in Uppsala sweden

Traditional Hatha Class

This is a very traditional Hatha Class. The poses are more static, we hold them for longer. Rather than flowing between poses, we rest between each posture. The purpose is to become more meditative and work on allowing the best flow of energy. Less instruction on the breath and more about observing sensations.

Very relaxing, very calming for the body, brain, and nervous system.
10 min
screenshot from online pranayama yoga class at Yogateket yoga studio in Uppsala sweden

Anuloma Viloma or Nadi Shodana

The most appropriate description in English would be alternate nostril breathing. 

Nadi Shodana translates as nerve cleansing, and this gives you an idea of the effects.

This is one of the most classical pranayamas and is used to bring the hemispheres of the brain, the nervous system and the major energy channels (nadis) into balance.

A foundational practice for pranayama.

5 min
Pranayama with Guy Powiecki

Chandra Bhedana Pranayama

Chandra means moon, and this is the moon channel activating pranayama. One of the most nourishing, most calming pranayamas there is.

Excellent practice for pregnant women or women on their cycle (done instead of Surya Bhedana).

5 min
Screenshot from a Online yoga class at Yogateket yoga studio from Uppsala Sweden

Brahma Mudra Tutorial

This is a simple practice to relieve tension around the neck, jaw and upper back. It also affects the nerves and muscles of the eyes.

The practice should not be done just mechanically but with full awareness, in this was it also becomes a meditation exercise.

Accessible and therapeutic.
5 min
Pranayama practice at Yogateket Uppsala

Sitali Tutorial

The name Sitali means the one that cools. Air is drawn in through the tongue and exhaled out of the nostrils, and this gives a cooling effect.

It is said to remove excess acidity, inflammation, and heat from the body. For those familiar with Ayurveda, it removes excess pita.

It helps with the control of hunger and thirst, bringing a fine calm to the mind.