Two Week Meditation Program

Guided meditation suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike.  Begin a meditation practice or deepen an existing one.

Meditation or mindfulness practice can help you improve pretty much every aspect of your life.  By connecting to the present we bring great benefit to our mind and body.

We begin right now, and right where you are.  

Two Week Meditation Program

Week 1

21 day meditation challenge

Info Video

Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike.  Begin a meditation practice or deepen an existing one.

Meditation or mindfulness practice can help you improve pretty much every aspect of your life.  By connecting to the present we bring great benefit to our mind and body.

We begin right now, and right where you are.  

21 day meditation challenge

Discover Yourself

We discover ourselves by forming a new and inquisitive relationship to our own bodies.  Using the body as a tool to ground the mind in the present.

Examine and investigate your posture by turning the minds inner focus to physical sensation.  A sensation is a great starting place to bring the mind to the here and now, forming a connection to what is really real.

Discover yourself.

21 day meditation challenge

Make Friends with Your Mind

Noticing your thoughts and working with distraction is a large part of meditation.  The mind does not suddenly stop turning just because we sit on the mat.

The good news is if you can notice thoughts and distraction you are actually meditating.  We learn how to work with thoughts in a positive way and with time make them our friend.

Make friends with your mind.

21 day meditation challenge

You’re Alive!

We realize that we are a real living organism, full of sensation and vibrancy.  Go deeper into your examination of sensation.

The breath is the tool that we use for investigating sensation in this class.  First following it at the nose, then the chest and finally the abdomen.

You’re Alive!

Week 2

21 day meditation challenge

Hearing the Universe

The sound is another important focus for connecting to the present.  If we can simply listen, without labeling sounds, we are observing what is arising in the here and now. Anytime you experience your senses, you are being present. This is where we want to be in today's class.

This brings us into the moment with an open awareness and allows us to explore the senses in another field.

Hearing the universe.

21 day meditation challenge

Be a Baby

Meditating is a bit like being a baby.  We experience the world of sensation before words. The conceptual mind is the verbalizing mind. A raw sensation is a deeper connection to reality.

We work with the techniques we have already established and spent time with the body and the breath. Together we will find our stillness and our present and stay there. 

Be a Baby.

21 day meditation challenge

Body Scan

This is the final class in our meditation programme. We will be working on body scanning which can be a useful way of identifying and letting go of tension in areas of the body. Simple and very helpful.

The last session has more time in silence which will give you more freedom to explore your practice. We watch the present moment with soft awareness and from a distance, like watching a wild animal.

Body Scan.

21 day meditation challenge

Completion Video

Well done for completing the programme.  This short video sums things up and provides practical suggestions for where to go from here. Meditation can be a lifelong journey and should not stop here. You can never be perfect at meditation, you can always learn new things about yourself and grow in your practice. 

Remember to go forward from here and find your balance!