Level 1-2

Classes in level 1-2 adds to the fundamental poses of level 1, but with variations that require a bit more strength, flexibility, and balance. These classes require some yoga knowledge and experience. We still use props and show modifications to ensure a safe practice.

14 Programs

1 week
Vinyasa Fundamentals beginner yoga

Vinyasa Fundamentals

Whether you are new to yoga or just new to Yogateket the basics of every style are a strong foundation for your practice. Vinyasa fundamentals are short beginners program to get your yoga practice right from the get-go.  

Learn how to begin to practice a vinyasa style in a safe and strong way so that you can move through a full class feeling confident and having a better understanding of the postures.

You will review something different on each class, from the concept of ujjayi breath to the foundational postures such as downward facing dog, plank pose, chaturanga, upward dog, warrior l, warrior ll, and high lunge.

This is a perfect place to start if you are feeling unsure and a bit overwhelmed with what a full class. Remember that this is just the beginning and the more you practice the easier it will get. So bring your mat and a couple of blocks and let your journey begin. 

8 weeks

Pranayama Program Level 1

Pranayama is a profound practice. It has a whole host of health benefits and is probably one of the most effective tools there is for holistic health. It works primarily on the nervous system, and through that, it has an influence on pretty much every other system in the body. It can improve your digestion, give you a slower and more even heartbeat, bring greater mental calm, give you more energy, help you deal with the effects of stress, improve your cardiovascular fitness, improve the health of all your organs and much more.

Pranayama needs regular practice and commitment to start being internalized and genuinely felt. This eight-week program is the perfect place to begin your relationship with pranayama. Helping you develop a regular practice and introducing different techniques at the appropriate times. There is a new class for each week. Ideally, you would do this class every day of the week, but indeed as many days as you can. There is also an introductory video for the start of each week, where we will go over new techniques and themes.

4 weeks
Yoga teacher performing yoga posture on green yoga mat on white background

Ladder Fit Flow

Ladder flows are different than a regular Vinyasa class because of their sequencing. We'll begin with two or three postures and then we'll keep on adding one or two new movements per round. Each round is linked by a Vinyasa or sun salutation. We'll do 5 rounds in total, by the 5th one, we'll have memorized a complete flow feeling much more comfortable in every posture and trying to do it better every time, challenging the mind and the body. Ladder Fit Flow is a great full-body workout where we balance strength and flexibility and we get a moving meditation.
3 weeks
Updog in nature Uppsala Pranayama breathing

Yoga Therapy

Accessible for everyone.  Designed to alleviate suffering from postural problems, neck and back pain, or life on the computer.  The course can also be a good place for beginners to start or for anyone wishing to dive into the foundation of their practice.

We use a lot of simple spinal twists and bends.  The aim is to work on spinal mobility and to start to correct postural imbalances, allowing free movement and spinal health.

Core strengthening exercises are introduced.  Often posture problems manifest due to a weakness in the core.  Your core will be strengthened in the appropriate places.

3 weeks
Screenshot from an online yoga class at Yogateket Uppsala

Trust Your Foundation

In today’s society, there is a lot of talk about “finding balance,” as if it was some elusive, mystical state in a galaxy far far away, that we can only reach through much effort and experimenting. 

The truth is that balance is our naturally inherent state. If we could remove all the clutter, we have placed on top of the body’s natural wisdom, and become more adept at listening to what it tells us. We would know when something is throwing us out of that naturally present state of ease. Instead of burying that something under more distractions, we would simply let it go. 

Finding physical balance is about learning not to hold on, or grasp, for dear life, but rather trusting yourself enough to expand into the space around you. To live your life fully, with a sense of feeling grounded and rooted, yet infinitely light.

4 weeks
ashtanga vinyasa yoga teacher sofia soori practice ashtanga vinyasa yoga for health beginner program are in en language

Ashtanga Fundamentals

Welcome to Ashtanga fundamentals a four-week course in Ashtanga vinyasa for beginners.

The goal of the program is to get to a level where we have developed a self-practice so we can use it as a base to an everyday easy yoga practice at home. 

Understand the basics of the Ashtanga yoga method. Get the tools and inspiration to practice yoga more regularly.

Good luck! 
1 week
Vinsay Jesta

Five Elements

In this Vinyasa Yoga program, we focus on embodying the qualities of Pancha Mahabhutas or 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) into the vinyasa practice. Each of the 5 elements has certain qualities and we are all an embodiment of the qualities. When these qualities are in balance we experience harmony in our life. Although vinyasa yoga is primarily a fire practice, being aware of the qualities of 5 elements and incorporating them into the practice will help us have a more balanced body and mind. Get ready to get strong, flexible, centered and more open in body, mind, and spirit.

Enjoy your practice!

5 weeks
Whole30 yoga program at yogateket

Whole30 Yoga Practice Program

Are you looking to incorporate healthy movement into your lifestyle this 2020? 

We have made a special program for you who are following the Whole30 timeline. But of course, anyone can start this 30 days of yoga classes, movement, breathing, and mindfulness. 

Enjoy the classes.

3 weeks
Pregnancy yoga

Prenatal Yoga Program

This prenatal pregnancy program is designed for all mamas to be. This time is filled with changes not only in your body but also mentally and emotionally. A yoga practice through your pregnancy will give you time and space to connect with those shifts and give you not just physical but emotional stability. Use the props as needed to support your practice and feel strong, flexible and confident as you go through one of the most magical stages of your life.
2 weeks

Todos Los Días, Todas Las Veces Que Quieras

Este programa consta de 8 sesiones, cada una de ellas dedicada a una parte del cuerpo: cuello, hombros, caderas, espalda/omóplatos, muñecas, pies, cuádriceps/isquiotibiales, caja torácica.

El objetivo es activar y calentar el cuerpo por grupos musculares y prepararlo para la práctica. El programa está pensado para antes de la práctica pero podría hacerse también durante la práctica e incluso de manera independiente. Dependiendo de la energía y del tiempo que tengas, puedes hacer todos los movimientos o posturas que se presentan de cada grupo muscular o sólo algunos de ellos.

¡Combínalos como quieras y crea tus propias rutinas!

5 weeks
down dog yoga

Ashtanga Para Principiantes

Este programa de Ashtanga Yoga pretende ser una guía para aquellas personas que deseen iniciarse en la práctica de Ashtanga. Se recomienda ir despacio e ir incorporando posturas a medida que se avance en la práctica.

La práctica de Ashtanga comienza siempre con Saludos al Sol (Surya Namaskara en sánscrito). Muchas tradiciones yóguicas creen que el Sol no sólo se encuentra en el Espacio, sino también en el corazón de cada uno de nosotros.

Los Saludos al Sol establecen la base de la práctica, calientan el cuerpo, relajan la musculatura, abren las articulaciones y estimulan el sistema nervioso. Durante su realización, el practicante comienza a ser consciente de la importancia de sincronizar la respiración, el cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu.

1 week

Weekly Pranayama Program

Are you interested in learning pranayama? Looking to deepen an existing practice?  Wanting to get more regular with your practice?  Heard of all the great effects of working with your breath?

All of these and more are great reasons to try this program.  You can do any day of the week as an individual class, or you can cycle through the whole week.  Each class is designed to support the day it is on.

Discover all the benefits, both mental and physical of working with your breath and finding time to relax.

1 week
Yoga practice at Yogateket with Lizette Pompa

From Flexibility to Mobility

When we think about mobility it can be easy to get it confused or mixed with flexibility; mobility is the ability to take a joint to its full range of motion with control.

This program is divided into five classes to help you work through different parts of the body and work on your mobility. To be able to achieve a good amount of mobility, flexibility is a significant prerequisite.

During these five classes, we will try to take our flexibility into mobility, working hard to control our full range of motion and by doing so, find stability in our joints. 

4 weeks

The Power of Four

Whether you are aiming to increase your strength or flexibility, this program will help you incorporate different kinds of training during the week.

The Power of Four consists of four different classes a week focusing on a specific area of the body. Every week Lizette will guide you through yoga, weight training, mobility, and a full class incorporating everything.

Mix and match these classes as you want and discover the power of bringing variety and new ways to move into your practice.

Equipment needed:

  • A set of dumbbells (I'm using 2kg each).
  • Kettlebell (8kg).
  • Resistance band.
  • Dowel.
  • Two yoga blocks.
  • Wall space.

382 Classes

10 min
Sofia ashtanga

Can We Reach Total Bliss?

So, have you thought about the goal of yoga? We’ve talked about the 2 first steps in the eight-limbed path of yoga. Now let’s go through the rest. 

In this class Sofia talked you from the physical body to deeper levels of concentration and meditation, to reach the goal of yoga: SAMADHI. Samadhi is defined as the Ultimate Bliss or enlightenment. 
50 min
Vinay jesta yoga five elements

Fire Element

In this vinyasa practice, we will focus on connecting to our core, building upper body strength and firing up through the whole body, floating our way through core strengthening postures, arm balances and inversions. Also focusing on precision of alignment. Once we find our center it allows us to float through the practice with ease and feel more strong.

So get ready to sweat it out and get connected to your center. Allowing us to feel confident in ourselves and focusing our energies to achieve our goals. Enjoy your practice!

50 min
vinay jesta yoga five elements

Air Element

In this vinyasa practice, we will focus on creating space in our shoulders and opening up the chest area and front body and building strength through the back body. Mindfully moving through chest openers, backends and any kind of expansive movements to let go of anything heavy that we might be holding and get a sense of lightness and expansiveness like air by the end of the practice.

Allowing ourselves to be more open to the changes in life, be light-hearted and at ease with our whole being and embodying these qualities as we may need in our life. Enjoy your practice!

50 min
vinay jesta yoga five elements

Space Element

Space element holds space for all the elements to co-exist symbolizing the unity for harmony in the body and mind. As we float through this practice we will mindfully combine the qualities all the above four different elements that we practice in the previous practice into one flow to feel connected to all the different elements within ourselves.  

Move mindfully throughout the class by being aware of how each element is supporting the other and how this combination is necessary to find harmony in our body. As we embody these qualities mindfully, it allows us to apply these five element principals in daily life to live a balanced life. We will also work with a little bit of pranayama to bring awareness to the energetic body.

Enjoy your practice!

45 min
Linnea ahlgren yoga Uppsala low lunge pose

Learn to Love Your Hamstrings

When I first began practicing yoga, the backs of my legs were so tight, that forget about touching my toes - I could hardly reach my knees! Over the years, with a lot of time, dedication, and even more patience, these are the postures that have been beneficial in opening my hamstrings and turn forward folds from dreaded to enjoyable. Please stay at about 70% of what would be your maximum capacity, so that you leave a 30% room to grow. It is often when we soften, as opposed to when we push, that transformation occurs.
70 min
hatha yoga guy powiecki at yogateket

Hatha Yoga Complete

This class is designed to both strengthen and increase suppleness.  The traditional Hatha approach is slower and we take a resting pose between the more demanding poses.

The slowness and time to digest the poses creates a more meditative environment and we try to do some of the poses with our eyes closed.

You will work your body in all the directions that it needs, while at the same time nourishing your energy and soothing your nervous system.

35 min
Catalina palma yoga español

Creando Fuerza

Generar fuerza nos beneficiara en nuestra práctica cotidiana. Haremos plancha alta para fortalecer el torso, mejorar postura, flexibilidad y equilibrio. Una preparación para chaturanga completa, luego iremos a la postura de la silla lo cual fortalece gran parte de nuestras piernas en especial los cuádriceps, un músculo grande y poderoso. La función de nuestras piernas es soportar el cuerpo y permitir su movilidad. También una forma excelente para trabajar la musculatura de nuestra espalda.

Las secuencia será repetitiva para ir encontrando el flow.

35 min
Catalina palma yoga español


Una serie ligera pero activa de para trabajar los músculos internos del abdomen para principiantes. Trabajaremos el abdomen y los oblicuos, lo cual utilizamos mucho en la práctica de yoga.

No te olvides de la respiración que siempre va fluyendo, normalmente la frenamos estando en posturas más activas. Fortalecer el abdomen nos ayudan a disminuir el desgaste de la espalda baja. Iremos por planchas altas, planchas delfines, posturas del barco y también nos saldremos de las posturas tradicionales.

Abdomen fuerte, cuerpo fuerte.

25 min
Catalina palma yoga español

El Presente en Balance

Practicando el momento presente, lo que pasa justo en este momento, así trabajaremos en esta práctica.

Las posturas de equilibrio requieren de mucho enfoque y concentración, el balance es diferente dia a dia, a la vez practicamos la paciencia y perseverancia. Nos ayuda incluso para mantener un equilibrio mental.

Nos enfocamos en tadasana (la postura de la montaña) luego yendo por transiciones ligeras, repetitivas para ir desarrollando ese equilibrio corporal y mental.

25 min
Catalina palma yoga español

Rotaciones Para Espaldas Cansadas

Despertar esa espalda tensa y cansada con movimientos de rotaciones. Las rotaciones son sanas , ésta práctica es ideal tanto como dia o noche. Iremos masajeando a los órganos internos y desintoxicando el cuerpo. La secuencia requiere de algunos guerreros y también posturas terapéuticas en cuatro puntos para esa espalda que te liberará de tensiones y estrés, . Las secuencia será repetitiva para fluir en tu práctica.

25 min
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga fundamentals

Low Lunge Class

A perfect class to soften your lower body and open up your hips. This class is suitable for everyone from beginner to advanced yoga practitioner. It is especially good for runners, hikers as well as still sitters.

10 min
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga fundamentals dhanurasana

Post Surf Yoga Class

Sofia has been wave surfing for nine years and knows how important it is to do some restorative stretching after a strong surf session. The ocean is strong, and paddling is not easy. To not get too stiff from surfing, Here is her best tips on surf stretches to do after surfing or later in the evening after a full day of surfing.

10 min
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga fundamentals

Strength for Surfers Class

Sofia has been wave surfing for nine years. When there are no waves around, she maintains her strength for surfing with a few exercises. If you want to improve your surfing or get going before a surf vacation, this video is for you. Feel free to repeat it. Remember to take one rest day a week if you are doing it every day.

35 min
lounge twist

Balance and Strength

There are a lot of balance poses in yoga, from balancing on one foot to balancing on the crown of the head. And the truth is that all of these poses require some level of balance to perform them successfully. Having stability in standing balance poses requires the coordination and the strength of several different muscle groups. Major groups involved are the hip muscles: the outer hip muscles (abductors), the gluteus muscles (buttocks), the inner thigh muscles (adductors). The shin, calf muscles and the core muscles are also very very important. Come and join on the mat and get balanced! 
20 min
forhead to knee yoga core

Short Flow with Core

This is a short 20-minute yoga class targeting your core. Move through a similar flow a couple of times using a block to add an extra layer to your postures. We add a bit of core here and there for you to keep the heat going. Have fun with this challenging flow that will keep you warm for the next twenty minutes.
45 min
down dog yoga

The Real Yoga Class

In traditional yoga in pre-modern India.  One did postures as a preparation for pranayama while pranayama was seen as the best preparation for meditation.

We follow this ancient set up in this class.  Starting with slow sun salutes, moving into simple pranayama and finishing with a short meditation.

Go deeper and deeper.

25 min
big toe ose

Energize Your Body

Yoga is often used and known for relaxing. But, yoga is also a great way to quickly re-energize the body. In this Yoga Flow Practice, we'll practice a deep breathing. while we do yoga poses that stretch and strengthen our spine to give us a burst of energy. Come and join me on the mat!
25 min
locust hands

Fit Body

In this Vinyasa Yoga Flow "Fit Body" will maximize the development of your strength, flexibility, and endurance. All of the movements are extremely accessible, but include higher and longer holds. At the end of the sequence, not only you'll have fun but you are you going to be happy of how much stronger and more flexible you've become. Join me on the mat!
20 min
low lunge twist

Twisted Twists

Let's squeeze the body with this yoga flow! Indian yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar describes twists as a "squeeze-and-soak" action: The organs are compressed during a twist, pushing out blood filled with metabolic by-products and toxins. When we release the twist, fresh blood flows in, carrying oxygen and the building blocks for tissue healing. So, twists stimulate circulation and have a cleansing and refreshing effect on the torso organs and associated glands.
20 min
camel pose Amaranta agiular

Relax Your Soul

Sometimes life can be stressful: work, school, bills to pay, homework, studying late at night for tests, etc. It's a lot to balance!! With this yoga flow, we'll reduce stress by moving in a slow and gentle way and of course doing postures that increase relaxation. Come and join me on the mat!

20 min
amaranta plank pose

Plank to Chaturanga

Let's learn how to do a proper Plank pose and then flow into Chaturanga Dandasana!. The pose is challenging for many students, but its payoffs are great: It strengthens the arms and legs, tones the abdominals, builds healthy shoulders, and prepares students for arm balances, inversions, and backbends. And it's character-building. Correct alignment builds strength for those who struggle in that department and teaches the sturdier student, who often relies on brute force, to refine the pose in ways that prevent damaging the shoulders.